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2012/04-2014/10,德国亥姆霍兹国家联合实验室,博士后,合作教授:Prof. Andreas Lendlein

2011/05-2012/03,美国麻州大学罗威尔分校,博士后,合作教授:Prof. Joey Mead, Prof. Carol Barry

2006/09-2011/05,美国麻州大学罗威尔分校,研究生/博士,导师:Prof. Joey Mead, Prof. Carol Barry






长期从事坚持四个面向的光/声吸收与调控(Absorption and adjustment of spectrum and sound, A2S2)高分子复合材料研究。针对光/声功能基元波段选择性差、功能特性简单、在高分子中分散性不佳、分布形式单一等共性问题,在面向世界科技前沿的光热响应智能高分子复合材料、面向经济主战场的光热一体化调控高分子复合材料、面向国家重大需求的光谱选择性抑制复合材料、面向人民生命健康的阻尼降噪高分子材料等领域,开展了选择性功能基元设计与制备、及其在高分子中分散性与分布调控等工作,相关成果在先进装备、设施农业、光伏电池等领域得到应用。

先后承担国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、预研项目等10余项;担任复合材料工业协会专家库专家、江苏省设施农业装备行业协会专家、江苏省产品质量鉴定专家、《涂料工业》青年编委等;获得江苏省双创博士,江苏省复合材料协会行业进步一等奖、建材联合会技术发明二等奖、中国产学研合作创新与促进奖等;共发表SCI学术论文90余篇,其中1作或通讯作者论文50余篇;以第一发明人申请国家发明专利12件,授权7件;担任Progress in Materials Science, Advanced Materials30余种期刊审稿人;在国内外学术会议进行口头汇报20余次。




1. L Fang#, W Yan, S Chen, Q Duan, M Herath, J Epaarachchi, Y Liu#, C Lu. Light and Shape‐Memory Polymers: Characterization, Preparation, Stimulation, and Application. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2023, 2300158.

2. Y Zhao, J Wang, H Liu, Z Yi, Z Shan, Y Ni, L Fang#, C Lu, Z Xu. Noise-reduction coatings based on interfacial hydrogen bonding between hindered phenol/epoxy microspheres and waterborne polyurethane. Progress in Organic Coatings 2023, 182, 107612.

3. J Wang, C Gao, J Fang, L Fang#, C Lu, Z Xu. Waterborne polyurethane composite coatings as UV-light converter and directional infrared light barrier for light and heat management in greenhouse. Progress in Organic Coatings 2023, 183, 107697.

4. Panpan Shan, Xinyu Chen, Bin Tan, Daruo Cao, Liang Fang#, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Uniform Contraction and High Force Output of Photoresponsive Shape-Memory Polymer Actuators with Large Thickness Based on Vertical Distribution of Rare Earth Oxides. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2022, 307, 2100683 (Front Cover)

5. Meng Cheng, Qiang Fu, Bin Tan, Yue Ma, Liang Fang#, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Build a bridge from polymeric structure design to engineering application of self-healing coatings: A review. Progress in Organic Coatings. 2022, 167, 106790.

6. Yue Ma, Yuman Yang, Daruo Cao, Jun Fang, Cheng Zhu, Meng Yang, Liang Fang#, Chunhua Lu, Zhongzi Xu. Facile Repair of Anti-Corrosion Polymeric Composite Coatings Based on Light Triggered Self-Healing. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2021, 306, 2100106 (Frontispiece)

7. Liang Fang#, Tianqi Chen, Xue Li, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Wide-Temperature Range Damping Polyuria-Urethane Blends with Self-Healing Capability. Construction and Building Materials. 2020, 262,119991.

8. Tianqi Chen, Liang Fang#, Xue Li, Dongshan Gao, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Self-Healing Polymer Coatings of Polyuria-Urethane/Epoxy Blends with Reversible and Dynamic Bonds. Progress in Organic Coatings 2020, 147, 105876.

9. Cihui Zhou, Yaru Ni#, Wengting Liu, Bing Tan, Mengcheng Yao, Liang Fang#, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Near-Infrared Light-Induced Sequential Shape Recovery and Separation of Assembled Temperature Memory Polymer Microparticles. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2020, 41 (8), 2000043.

10. Jiaojiao Fang, Y Chen, Chen Zhu, Xue Li, Wei Wang, Chunhua Lu#, Yaru Ni, Liang Fang#, Zhongzi Xu. Enhanced Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion by Photonic Crystals and Au Plasma Resonance for Efficient Photocatalysis. Catalysis Science& Technology. 2020, 10 (24), 8325-8331.

11. Yue Ma, Yuting Zou, Zhen Zhang, Jiaojiao Fang, Wenting Liu, Yaru Ni, Liang Fang#, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Luminescent and Hydrophobic Textile Coatings with Recyclability and Self-Healing Capability against Both Chemical and Physical Damage. Cellulose. 2020, 27(1), 516.

12. Tianqi Chen, Liang Fang#, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Effects of Blended Reversible Epoxy Domains on Structures and Properties of Self-Healing/Shape-Memory Thermoplastic Polyurethane. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2020, 305(1),1900578. (BACK Cover)

13. Yuting Zou, Lingyu Li, Bin Tan, Yue Ma, Liang Fang#, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Silane modified epoxy coatings with low surface tension to achieve self-healing of wide damages. Prog. Org. Coat. 2019, 133, 357.

14. Hangning Wang, Liang Fang#, Zhen Zhanga, Jayantha Epaarachchi, Lingyu Li, Xin Hu, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Light-induced rare earth organic complex/shape-memory polymer composites with high strength and luminescence based on hydrogen bonding. Composites Part A. 2019, 125, 105525.

15. Liang Fang, Oliver E. C. Gould, Liudmila Lysyakova, Yi Jiang, Tilman Sauter, Oliver Frank, Tino Becker, Michael Schossig, Karl Kratz, Andreas Lendlein. Implementing and Quantifying the Shape-Memory Effect of Single Polymeric Micro/Nanowires with an Atomic Force Microscope. ChemPhysChem, 2018, 19, 2078.

16. Hangning Wang, Le Chen, Liang Fang#, Lingyu Li, Jiaojiao Fang, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Supramolecular hydrogel hybrids having high mechanical property, photoluminescence and light-induced shape-deformation capability, Design, preparation and characterization. Mater. Design, 2018, 160, 194.

17. Tianyu Fang, Liangliang Cao, Shunping Chen, Jiaojiao Fang, Jia Zhou, Liang Fang#, Chunhua Lu#, Zhongzi Xu. Preparation and assembly of five photoresponsive polymers to achieve complex light-induced shape deformations. Mater. Design, 2018, 144, 129.

18. Liang Fang, Shunping Chen, Tianyu Fang, Jiaojiao Fang, Chunhua Lu, Zhongzi Xu. Shape-memory polymer composites selectively triggered by near-infrared light of two certain wavelengths and their applications at macro-/microscale. Compos. Sci. Technol., 2017, 138, 106.

19. Liang Fang, Tianyu Fang, Xiaoxia Liu, Yaru Ni, Chunhua Lu, Zhongzi Xu. Precise stimulation of near-infrared light responsive shape-memory polymer composites using upconversion particles with photothermal capability. Compos. Sci. Technol., 2017, 152, 190.

20. Liang Fang, Wan Yan, Ulrich Noechel, Karl Kratz, Andreas Lendlein. Programming Structural Functions in Phase-Segregated Polymers by Implementing a Defined Thermomechanical History. Polymer, 2016, 102, 54.

21. Jiamei Chen, Liang Fang#, Zhongzi Xu, Chunhua Lu. Self-healing epoxy coatings curing with varied ratios of diamine and monoamine triggered via near-infrared light. Prog. Org. Coat., 2016, 101, 543.

22. Liang Fang, Ming Wei, Yingrui Shang, David Kazmer, Carol Barry, Joey Mead. Precise Pattern Replication of Polymer Blends into Nonuniform Geometries via Reducing Interfacial Tension between Two Polymers. Langmuir, 2012, 28, 10238.

23. Liang Fang, Ming Wei, Carol Barry, Joey Mead. The effect of spin speed and solution concentration on directed assembly of polymer blends. Macromolecules, 2010, 43, 9747.

24. Liang Fang, Ming Wei, Yingrui Shang, Lady Jimenez, David Kazmer, Carol Barry, Joey Mead. Surface morphology alignment of block copolymer induced by injection molding. Polymer, 2009, 50, 5837.



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2. 选择性近红外光响应形状记忆聚合物复合材料及其制备方法 方亮,方天余,陈顺平,方姣姣,陆春华,许仲梓 专利号:ZL201611043229.9

3. 织物用自清洁自修复涂层材料及制备织物用自清洁自修复涂层的方法 方亮,马跃,邹雨婷,李玲玉,陆春华,许仲梓 专利号:ZL201910619198.4

4. 具备形状记忆、自修复及可回收功能的聚氨酯/环氧树脂共混物及其制备方法 方亮,陈天琪,王帅,陆春华,许仲梓 专利号:ZL201910619504.4

5. 一种电致加热变色/变形薄膜及其制备方法 方亮,曹亮亮,倪亚茹,陆春华,许仲梓 专利号:ZL201910675015.0

6. 一种磁场诱导图案化组装与可擦除的磁控相变材料及其制备方法 方亮,陈顺平,王帅,陆春华,许仲梓 专利号:ZL201910665686.9

7. 基于受阻酚与环氧复合微球的水性阻尼涂料及其制备方法  方亮,赵艺翔,倪亚茹,陆春华,许仲梓  专利号:ZL202310041490.9